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Dear St Monica's families and friends,
Reconciliation Retreat Day – Our Year 4 students, and their teachers, are gathered in our Parish Centre today, as they begin their final preparations for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. All Year 4 students participate in this important day, even if they are not receiving the Sacrament. This offers everyone the opportunity to walk alongside and in support of their peers, wherever they are in their faith journey. Please keep in your prayers all students who are preparing to make their First Reconciliation.
Harmony Day - recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Tomorrow is Harmony Day and whilst we are not coming to school in Cultural Dress or Orange, we still whole-heartedly support and celebrate the magnificant cultural diversity we have here at St Monica’s.
Keep School Funding Fair campaign – Education is the cornerstone of equity and opportunity. In Australia, school choice ensures that parents can choose a school that best suits the needs of their child and their values as a family. The Keep School Funding Fair campaign aims to explain the Australian school funding system. I strongly encourage you to learn more about what makes Australia’s school funding system fair, by clicking on this link:
Fete News - Our annual School fete is fast approaching and it's not too late to volunteer! Please consider offering some time to help out at the Fete, you can click on the QR code on the posters around the school or by using this link:
Huge thanks to Kim Todd, Kirralea Thompson and their team of helpers for their fabulous coordination of this extraordinary event. Special shout out to the businesses from our local area for their sponsorship and in-kind donations. Big thanks also to all St Monica’s families for the selling of raffle tickets, donations for the Chocolate Toss, Book Stall, White Elephant Stall and more…. It is going to be a magnificent day!!
Student Safety - To help keep students safe when making their way to and from school, please ensure you drive and park safely and legally, at and around, school grounds. We all have an important role to play in supporting road safety. Access Canberra has notified us that mobile speed and parking vans are in operation to support our students’ safety. These enforcement teams play a critical role in supporting our students get to and from school safely and we thank them for their ongoing support. In addition to sticking to the speed limit, please remember to park safely – including not parking across pedestrian crossings, in no stopping zones, on corners, verges and double parking. Unsafe and illegal parking can reduce visibility of our students and motorists to see each other, creating a significant hazard when students cross the road. Let’s work together to keep our kids safe.
Important dates:
Week 8
- Tuesday 25 March - Belconnen Region Swimming Carnival
- Wednesday 26 & Thursday 27 March - Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Friday 28 March - WSP led by 4 Maroon, last day to bring in Fete donations and raffle tickets.
Week 9
- Thursday 3 April - Tombola donations (Free dress day)
- Saturday 5 April - FETE!!
Week 10
- Monday 7 – Wednesday 9 April - Year 5 Camp
- Thursday 10 April - LAST DAY TERM 1, Star & Pride awards assembly, Swimming and Cross Country carnival ribbons handed out
- Friday 11 April - PUPIL FREE DAY
Term 2
- Monday 28 April – Pupil Free Day for all students.
- Tuesday 29 April – Term 2 begins. Students return in their Winter Uniform

Religious Life of St Monica's
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
Today all students in Year 4 have participated in a retreat day on our parish grounds learning about God’s unfailing love and how we can always come to him for healing. We ask you to keep these children in your prayers as they grow in their faith.
As we journey through this Lenten season as a community we are reminded of the profound importance of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation in our Catholic faith. This sacrament, also known as Confession, offers us a unique opportunity to seek God's forgiveness and to renew our relationship with Him.
The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is a beautiful expression of God's infinite mercy. It allows us to confess our sins, express our sorrow, and receive absolution from a priest. Through this sacrament we are not only forgiven but also given the grace to strengthen our resolve to live a more faithful and loving life.
Social Action and Justice
Each year during Lent Catholic Schools across Australia raise money for Project Compassion. As a Catholic school, Project Compassion is one of our major charity drives. Your generous support this Lenten season will enable Caritas Australia to provide life-changing support to communities facing poverty, food insecurity, lack of education, and water shortages, while building resilience against future challenges. Together, through faith and action, we can bring hope and opportunity to those most in need. Please continue to collect donations for the remaining weeks of Lent. Donation boxes can be sent in each Friday, with final donations collected in week 10. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
To support our focus on almsgiving, fasting and prayer, your child will have received a 40acts wall chart. The theme for 40acts 2025 is: Do Lent generously. The idea behind 40acts is to complete one act a day as we journey through the 40 days of Lent.
Opening Our Hearts to the Holy Spirit
Term 1 Liturgical Life of St Monica’s Primary School |
Whole School Prayer |
Grade Masses |
Week 8 |
Whole School Prayer Focus: Come Holy Spirit Respect God led by 4 Maroon Friday 9.10am |
Grade Mass Wednesday 9.30am: Year 2
Week 9 |
Grade Mass Wednesday 9.30am: Year 1 |
Week 10 |
Grade Mass Wednesday 9.30am: Kindergarten |
Parish Sacramental News for 2025
2025 Sacramental Program – for students who are baptised and will be in Years 4-6 in 2025.
Book a time for your child’s Sacrament of Reconciliation THIS WEEK
Trybooking is now open for bookings for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Bookings close this weekend.
To book a 5 minute spot for your child to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation use the links below:
- Tuesday 25 March in St Michael’s Church, Kaleen, between 3.30pm and 5pm (
- Wednesday 26 March in St Monica’s Church, Evatt, between 3.30pm and 5.30pm (
- Thursday 27 March in St Monica’s Church, Evatt, between 3.30pm and 5.30pm (
Registrations are now closed and No Late Registrations can be accepted.
Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated in Term 1, 2025. Information Evening was held on 13 February 2025. Retreat Day and Parent Prayer Night will be held on 20 March 2025. Sacrament will be celebrated on 25, 26 and 27 March 2025.
Sacrament of First Communion will be celebrated in Term 2, 2025. Information Evening will be held on 1 May 2025. Retreat Day and Parent Prayer Night will be held on 12 June 2025. Sacrament will be celebrated on 22 June 2025 (Corpus Christi).
Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in Term 3, 2025. Information Evening will be held on 31 July 2025. Retreat Day and Parent Prayer Night will be held on 4 September 2025. Sacrament will be celebrated on 10 and 11 September 2025.
For further Information – please contact the Sacramental Program Coordinator at or check the parish website at
There is no safe number of days for missing school. If a student misses as little as four days each term they will have missed over a year of learning by the end of their schooling. Schools in the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn work in partnership with parents and carers to encourage and support regular attendance of children and young people at school. Education in the ACT is compulsory for all children between the ages of six years and below the minimum school leaving age. If your child is experiencing challenges with attending school please know we are here to help. Please read the brochure below regarding the Importance of School Attendance.
Making Friends In A New School Year - Ryoko Koyasu
Your child might have started as a new student this year, moved to a new class without many of their old friends, or joined a new team or activity. Making new friends can make them feel nervous or excited (or maybe both). Having friends helps your child develop social skills, feel supported, experience new things and have fun together, and provides a sense of belonging.
So how do we make friends?
Here are some tips for children.
• Friends are people you have fun with, look for people who are nice to you, kind to others, include you in things and share some of your interests.
• It’s easier to make friends when you smile, make eye contact and look friendly- they might be nervous about making friends too, so your smile helps them relax.
• Approach someone who’s on their own- this is easier than approaching a whole group!
• Say hello and ask, ‘Hey can I sit with you?’ or maybe say something nice about them or ask them about a TV show or sport they might be into. You can also try asking them what they like to do in their free time. Keep the conversation going with follow up questions. Make sure to take turns listening and talking.
• If you are joining a group game, you can approach a friendly child and ask, ‘That looks fun! Can I join in?’
• Join some extra activities like school clubs, sport teams, after school care for a few afternoons a week, lunch time special interest groups etc. It’s a great way to meet likeminded people and get to know them in a fun low-pressure way, plus you will always have something in common to talk about!
• Focus on quality friendships. The ones you invest your time in are the ones that tend to last. Make time for the friends you already have (as well as new ones) and spend regular time together.
• Be welcoming. If you have made a few good friends, that’s great! Just remember to be open to other children wanting to spend time with you all too.
Tips for parents
• If you are concerned about how your child is going, talk to your child’s class teacher, they may be able to help seat or buddy up your child with some potential friends.
• Organise some play dates so your child has extra opportunities to get to know friends and have fun.
• Be realistic about expectations. Extraverted children may have a wider set of friends than an introvert who may prefer a small group of close friends.
• Encourage your kids! If your child experiences social anxiety they may not want to go on play dates or to birthday parties. Helping a child systematically face their fear and stopping their avoidance is key to helping them cope and build confidence. Highlight little efforts your child makes in anxious situations. If persistent anxiety is causing your child to feel isolated, talk to your child’s Class teacher, GP, or School Well Being Staff/ School Counsellor.
• It can sometimes feel like school is their whole world, but life is so much bigger than that. If your child is not clicking with people at school try finding connections elsewhere. Try local clubs, playgrounds, special interest groups, school holiday programs or sports teams that your child might enjoy.
Last weekend saw the running of the annual Karting New South Wales ACT State titles. Drivers from the ACT and NSW converged on Circuit Mark Webber to compete for the coveted blue plate. St Monica’s very own Elijah G from 5B went up against some of the best drivers in the state with taking Pole Position, fighting hard all weekend and coming away with a second place overall and being the fastest driver from the ACT. Elijah as the “Fight MND Kids Ambassador” dedicates his award to his Uncle. Congratulations and well done Elijah!