Our School
Principal's Message

St Monica’s is a child-centred Catholic community where Gospel values are central to all learning experiences. We journey together in faith, following in the footsteps of St Monica. 'Respect, Resilience, Engagement and Growth' for 'myself, others and the environment' is integral in our day to day interactions with one another. It is through partnership with the Parish, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, we come to know Jesus and make him known in our world. With a current enrolment of 389 boys and girls and 42 staff members, we are proud to serve the North Belconnen community.
The education opportunities offered at St Monica's equips students with the skills they need to become active, responsible and engaged citizens. As a learning community, the teaching staff implement a high quality curriculum for students. The delivery of the Australian curriculum is through lessons that reflect High Impact Teaching Practices. This includes daily review, sequencing of concepts, modelling, questioning and reviewing previously taught concepts. Our teachers use Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) in their strategically planned lessons, to teach new concepts to mastery.
During EDI lessons, teachers utilise ‘Engagement Norms’ (TAPPLE) to motivate students and hold them accountable for their learning. Engagement Norms ensure children are doing something every minute, whether it be discussion with a partner, reading text aloud, showing responses on a whiteboard or gesturing. These norms are designed to keep students actively engaged in their learning. Teachers are able to instantly check for understanding, provide immediate feedback, correct student responses at point of need and re-teach concepts if 80% mastery has not been achieved.
T - Teach First
A- Ask a question
P - Pause & Pair Share
P- Pick a Non-Volunteer
L - Listen to the respose
E - Effective Feedback
I believe the St Monica’s school community is unique in promoting a strong values program and offers all children many opportunities to enable them to reach their full potential. The school has a strong focus on Restorative Practices and the mental health and well‐being of all students. The school provides the student enrichment opportunities including, Rostrum, Choir, Japanese, online learning, individual music tuition and involvement in a wide range of sporting activities. St Monica's community is committed to providing innovative, state of the art learning facilities where parental involvement is encouraged and valued.
I look forward to meeting with you in the near future and welcoming you personally to our wonderful school.
Lisa Harris
St Monica’s Primary School
Moynihan Street, Evatt ACT 2617
Telephone: 02 6258 5105 | Email: office.stmonicas@cg.catholic.edu.au