Prayer, Motto & Saint
St Monica’s School Prayer
God we know you love us all,
Help us always to listen to your call
Teach us to be forgiving
Right here and now where we are living
Help us remember to give joy each day
By looking after each other at work and play
We are part of a family at St Monica’s school
Where love, trust and respect should be our rule.
Patron Saint

St Monica - Model of Christian Motherhood
St Monica’s Feast Day 27 August
St Monica was born into a Christian family at Tagaste, in what is now Tunisia, on the North African Coast in the early part of the fourth century AD, not long after the Emperor Constantine first legalised Christianity. Her husband, Patricius, was a pagan. Patricius and Monica had three children; Augustine, Navigius, and Perpetua. Through her patience and prayers, she was able to convert her husband to the Catholic faith in 370· He died a year later.
While Perpetua and Navigius entered the religious life Augustine proved to be quite a challenge as he passed through his adolescent and early adult years. For 17 years Monica laboured in prayer for his conversion. Her prayers were finally answered as Saint Augustine was baptised by St Ambrose in 387. Augustine became a bishop and one of the greatest teachers in the history of the Church. Saint Monica, model of Christian motherhood died in Ostia, Italy, in the company of her beloved son, in 387 AD.