Pastoral Care & Wellbeing

At St Monica’s the behaviour management approach is based on the School Wide Positive Behaviours Support program and the Restorative Practices Framework. This complements the way we conduct our daily lives as people in a Catholic School. Our expectations are contained in our school mantra of: When I am Being Respectful, Responsible and Safe, I am being my best. At St Monica’s we have a positive learning environment developed through a proactive whole-school approach which assists teachers to define, teach, and support appropriate student behaviours. Our school incentive program consists of Monica’s Medallions, known as M&Ms, coloured writsbands and St Monica’s Stars.
Restorative Practices

Education in schools is largely about relationships, which can often develop into conflicts which require resolution, forgiveness and healing. Restorative Practices Framework helps students learn from their mistakes and reconcile and resolve problems with others.
The Restorative Practices Framework is used at St Monica’s. We acknowledge the importance of the home and school connection regarding any approach to behaviour management. The Restorative Practices Framework provides a consistent approach for all involved to ensure we are building, maintaining and restoring positive relationships throughout the school.